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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than a week ago
Male, 59 years, born on 14 June 1965
Actively searching for a job
Anapa, willing to relocate (Russia), prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Инженер по охране труда и промышленной безопасности (вахта)
150 000 ₽ in hand
- Occupational health and safety engineer, environmental engineer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, rotation based work
Work experience 28 years 8 months
July 2023 — currently
1 year 9 months
Kentech Sakhalin Technical Services LLC
Специалист в области охраны труда и промышленной безопасности
Разработка и внедрение ЛНД. Обучение. Контроль соблюдения требований охраны труда персоналом.
November 2017 — December 2018
1 year 2 months
South Tambey LNG
Sabetta (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area)
Специалист в области охраны труда и промышленной безопасности
Контроль соблюдения требований охраны труда и промышленной безопасности в области наладки и пусконаладочных работ
May 2016 — November 2017
1 year 7 months
South Tambey LNG
Sabetta (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area)
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Инженер по охране труда и промышленной безопасности
Organized all Site activities and manpower’s to ensure that are all complied with the requirement of Labor Law Safety. Ensure all preventions and warnings are in place in order to avoid Industrial Traumatism, Carried out daily inspection at construction site and Camp to ensure Laws and Legal Acts are complied.
October 2014 — December 2015
1 year 3 months
Anapa, www.ru.strabag.com
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Руководитель службы охраны труда и промышленной безопасности.
Assure compliance of company to the corporate and government HSE and industrial safety requirements according to the legislation of the Russian Federation
Development of HSE procedures and standards with in the contract with the Client (Saipem S.p.A./ South Stream transport B.V), rendering reports and other specific HSE information.
Organization of Safety trainings for the personnel involved in hazardous works under the PTW and works performed under exclusive safety requirements (Works at height, Confined Space, Hot works, Lifting operations and etc.)
Occupational hazards identification and risk management.
Coordination of safety issues with head managers of project and HSE specialists of Client and supervisory authorities.
Organization of safety knowledge assessment of employees. Acting as an assessment board member.
Providing safety guidelines for managers and specialists of relevant departments during the development and revising of HSE documentation and safe working methods implementation.
Control over the correctness of HSE documentation (rules, norms, standards, procedures) used by company departments.
Development of programs and actions for improvement of working safety conditions and control over implementation of these actions.
Preparation of suggestions for the management of Company to improve safety conditions and injury prevention (drafts of orders, decisions, instructions, orders, protocols, references, etc.)
Organization and participation in work of the commission on investigation of industrial accidents.
Registration and recording of industrial accidents, occupational diseases, analysis of the reasons of their emergence and organization of carrying out preventative actions for their prevention.
Organization of communication with local authorities and public institutions concerning the labor protection.
Control over the correctness of maintaining HSE documentation for compliance with HSE requirements.
Development of internal HSE standards and procedures and control of their implementation by employees of Company.
Control over the frequency and quality of briefings and safety inductions with employees.
Organization of management of documents in the integrated system of management (ISM)
Ensuring process of planning of improvements of ISM.
Organization and participation in preparation and conducting of Company internal audits.
Coordination of audit teams work
Summary reports preparation on implementation of the internal audit program.
Control over the implementation of instructions of public oversight and monitoring authorities, other actions for improvement of working conditions.
• 300000 man hours without lost time incident.
• Workplace labor conditions compliance certification was carried out for all the company working places and approved by Labour Department of Sakhalin Administration.
• HSE MS had been developed for the project activities
• Participation in incident investigations;
• Consulting of relevant departments and managers about HSE requirements;
• Communication with local authorities and public institutions concerning the labor protection and reporting the HSE issues to the Client.
December 2009 — October 2014
4 years 11 months
Ведущий инженер по охране труда и промышленной безопасности.
Control of compliance of objects and the equipment to requirements of norms and rules for labor protection and industrial safety according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Develop standard documentation:
induction program;
instruction on occupational safety according to professions and types of works, on safe operation and maintenance;
instruction programs on a workplace on occupational safety, industrial and fire safety for workers;
programs of service training to safe approaches and methods at workplace for workers;
production instructions,
programs and orders;
Implement operative and advisory support concerning labor protection and industrial safety at operation of objects during inspections performed by bodies of the state supervision and control (The Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, State Labour Inspection).
Control implementation of instructions of bodies of the state supervision.
Participate in investigation of occupational accidents, accidents with extraneous persons, development of preventive actions.
Act by the procedure of reporting and notification of appropriate bodies of the state supervision.
Provide the Project HSE manager with support on the identification, monitoring and control of the requirements on health, safety and environmental issues deriving from Russian Local regulations, codes, rules and norms;
Carry out his/her labor activity in Company's interests, following the requirements of corporate policy, and ethical standards of behavior;
Keep working documentation in order, regularly review the messages received via e-mail and reply to them in a timely manner;
Other obligations established by acts of the employer and/or expressed by the line manager in verbal form and responsibilities which are outgoing from the nature of the appointment/specialty of employee and the character of carrying out job.
• Participating in regional HSE symposium with the speech and presentation of project “Integration of modern HSE system” in JV «Sakhalin-Shelf-Service» Company
• Acting as an instructor and trainer in training center with the theme “Integration of modern HSE system” in accordance with GOST 12.0.230-2007 and 12.0.007-2009
March 2006 — October 2009
3 years 8 months
CTSD Limited
Sakhalin Oblast
Инженер по охране труда и промышленной безопасности
Organized all Site activities and manpower’s to ensure that are all complied with the requirement of Labor Law Safety. Ensure all preventions and warnings are in place in order to avoid Industrial Traumatism, Carried out daily inspection at construction site and Camp to ensure Laws and Legal Acts are complied.
May 2004 — March 2006
1 year 11 months
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
Инженер по охране труда и промышленной безопасности
Контроль за соблюдением норм и правил охраны труда на производстве. Контроль за соблюдением правил техники безопасности и безопасными методами проведения работ на строительных участках. проведение инструктажей и обучений по охране труда
February 2003 — May 2004
1 year 4 months
Катанглинефтегаз Роснефть
Мастер добычи нефти и газа.
Контроль за добычей нефти и газа на месторождении "Монги"
September 1991 — February 2003
11 years 6 months
Дальневосточное морское управление разведочного бурения.
Бурение скважин на нефть и газ.
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B, C
About me
Executive, exacting, sociable.
Higher education
State Petroleum University of UFA, Bashkirtostan/Russia.
Oil and Gas Production, Diploma
Marine Technical School, Primorskiy Region/ Nakhodka/ Russia.
Radio navigation, Radio Operator and Operator Navigating Equipment.
Professional development, courses
Специалист по охране труда 256 часов
АНО ДПО "Промбезопасность" Краснодар
Безопасность работы на высоте (3 группа)
ЧОУ ДПО "учебный центр Сахалинэнерго" протокол 23-66/ОТ, рег. # 12438420
Обучение безопасным методам и приемам выполнения работ при воздействии вредных и опасных производственных факторов.
ЧОУ ДПО "учебный центр Сахалинэнерго" протокол # 23-70/ОТ, рег. # 12745530
Электрическая безопасность
ЧОУ ДПО "учебный центр Сахалинэнерго" , Электрическая безопасность - IV группа (до 1000 В и выше) инспекция
Охрана труда и функционирования системы управления охраной труда.
ЧОУ ДПО "учебный центр Сахалинэнерго" рег. # 12744789
Пожарная безопасность
ЧОУ ДПО "учебный центр Сахалинэнерго". 652419504009 рег. 590
оказание первой помощи пострадавшим
ЧОУ ДПО "учебный центр Сахалинэнерго". Протокол 23-68/ОТ
выполнение работ в ограниченных и замкнутых пространствах (3 группа)
ЧОУ ДПО "учебный центр Сахалинэнерго" протокол 23-67/ОТ, рег. # 12443668
General Industrial Safety Certificate (A1, Б1.2,1.15,1.17,1.29,2.1,2.7,2.8,9.31,9.32,9.33,2.13,7.6,7.8,8.26) RTN Moscow – 2017 (member of the commission)
Rostekhnadzor - Moscow, Industrial Safety
С-13. Atomic Labor Safety
Moscow, Atomic Labor Safety
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Up to 90 minutes