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Мужчина, 30 лет, родился 9 октября 1994
Активно ищет работу
Атасу, готов к переезду (Актау, Актобе, Алматы, Астана, Атырау, Кокшетау, Уральск, Усть-Каменогорск), готов к командировкам
Fixed Equipment Reliability Engineer. QC Welding & NDT (Piping,Steel Structure&Mechanical) Inspector
- Другое
- Инженер по качеству
- Сервисный инженер, инженер-механик
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 9 лет 1 месяц
Август 2024 — по настоящее время
8 месяцев
LLP “Kyzyl Aray Copper”
Fixed Equipment Reliability Engineer
1)Plan equipment inspection and overhaul and systematically correct deficiencies that limit equipment reliability to maintain a minimum level of maintenance costs and a maximum level of reliability.
2)Analysis of maintenance procedures and techniques, root cause analysis of RCDA failures to evaluate the effectiveness of maintenance services and improve equipment reliability.
3)Develop and implement a preventative maintenance program, such as vibration and oil analysis, to maintain high plant operating efficiency.
4)Maintenance assistance in setting up equipment, balancing fans/aligning shafts and gearboxes, drums, conveyors to improve the work process.
5)Monitor and modify key equipment reliability indicators and prepare reports recommending
improvements to maintain minimum maintenance costs and maximum reliability levels.
6)Work closely with maintenance supervisory personnel in coordinating annual breakdowns to ensure compliance with the maintenance plan.
7)Review critical spare parts, develop preventive maintenance programs for existing materials to ensure the effectiveness of the maintenance plan.
8)Involved in the preparation of maintenance schedule i.e. daily/weekly/monthly etc., contributing to increased efficiency and better utilization of maintenance resources.
Сентябрь 2023 — по настоящее время
1 год 7 месяцев
QC Welding & NDT (Piping, Steel Structure & Mechanical) Inspector
1)Monitoring, checking and making executive documentation for all welding works(pipelines,containers,steel structure) according to specifications.
2)Checking that correct WPS is in use.
3)Checking of pipe and steel structure bevels, joint fit-up, welding parameters,checking of assembly and erection of pipe and steel structure.
4)Checking equipment installations.
5)NDE (VT,RT,UT,PT&MT) inspection of completed welds.
6)Electrode control-particular attention paid to the control and storage of low hydrogen electrodes.
7)Monitoring welding&weld heat treatment activities(PWHT)
8)Monitoring of tie-in, special crossing,repair welding, hot-tap activities as above.
9)Checking bolted connections:gaskets, bolts, nuts, mirrors flanges and bolt lubricant.
10)Worked with materials: CS, Inconel,Alloy 625
Январь 2023 — Ноябрь 2023
11 месяцев
JSC“ArcelorMittal Temirtau”
Welding specialist
Maintenance welding repair work in plant
Декабрь 2022 — Июнь 2023
7 месяцев
LLP “KKS-Sicim”
QA/QC Welding & Mechanical Inspector
Welding Inspection. GTAW, SMAW, SAW Welding Technology.
1)Monitoring, checking and making executive documentation for all welding works
(pipelines, containers, steel structure) according to specification.
2)Checking that correct WPS is in use
3)Checking of pipe and steel structure bevels/ joint fit up, checking welding parameters,
checking of assembly and erection of pipe and steel structure
4)NDE (VT, RT, UT, PT and MT inspection of completed welds)
5)Electrode control- particular attention paid to the control and storage of low- hydrogen electrodes.
6)Monitoring welding activities
7)Monitoring of tie-in/ special crossing/ repair welding, hot-tap activities as above.
8)Monitoring post weld heat treatment activities (PWHT)
9)Worked with materials: CS, SS, F22
10)Checking bolted connections: gaskets, bolts, nuts, mirrors flanges and bolt lubricant.
Октябрь 2022 — Декабрь 2022
3 месяца
LLP “ Intertek International Kazakshtan “
Mechanical & Welding Engineer
Mechanical and Welding work
1)Monitoring, checking and making executive documentation for all welding works (pipelines,
containers, steel structure) according to specification.
2)Checking that correct WPS is in use
3)Checking of pipe and steel structure bevels/ joint fit up, checking welding parameters,
checking of assembly and erection of pipe and steel structure
4)NDE (VT, RT, UT, PT and MT inspection of completed welds)
5)Monitoring welding activities
6)Monitoring post weld heat treatment activities (PWHT)
7)Worked with materials: CS, SS
8)Checking bolted connections: gaskets, bolts, nuts, mirrors flanges and bolt lubricant.
Июль 2021 — Октябрь 2022
1 год 4 месяца
LLP Bureau Veritas Kazakshtan
QC Welding Inspector
Welding Inspection
1)Monitoring, checking and making executive documentation for all welding works
(pipelines, containers, steel structure) according to specification.
2)Checking that correct WPS is in use
3)Checking of pipe and steel structure bevels/ joint fit up, checking welding parameters,
checking of assembly and erection of pipe and steel structure
4)NDE (VT, RT, UT, PT and MT inspection of completed welds)
5)Electrode control- particular attention paid to the control and storage of low- hydrogen electrodes.
6)Monitoring welding activities
7)Monitoring of tie-in/ special crossing/ repair welding, hot-tap activities as above.
8)Monitoring post weld heat treatment activities (PWHT)
9)Worked with materials: CS, SS
10)Checking bolted connections: gaskets, bolts, nuts, mirrors flanges and bolt lubricant.
Февраль 2021 — Июль 2021
6 месяцев
“Senimdi Kurylys” LLP
QC Welding Inspector
Welding Inspection; W-ST-2025
1)Monitoring, checking and making executive documentation for all welding works
(pipelines, containers, steel structure) according to specification.
2)Monitoring of above and underground welding operations
3)Checking that correct WPS is in use сhecking of pipe and steel structure bevels/ joint fit up,
checking welding parameters, checking of assembly and erection of pipe and steel structure
4)Checking equipment installations
5)NDE (VT, RT, UT, PT and MT inspection of completed welds)
6)Electrode control- particular attention paid to the control and storage of low- hydrogen electrodes.
7)Monitoring welding activities
8)Monitoring of tie-in/ special crossing/ repair welding, hot-tap activities as above.
9)Monitoring post weld heat treatment activities (PWHT)
10)Worked with materials: CS, SS, HDPE
11)Checking bolted connections: gaskets, bolts, nuts, mirrors flanges and bolt lubricant
Сентябрь 2020 — Февраль 2021
6 месяцев
MSOE«Abay Multidisciplinary College »
Teacher and Master of industrial training in welding
Educating of students and their preparation to handing over of examinations
Апрель 2018 — Август 2020
2 года 5 месяцев
KazTurboRemont LLP
Актау, www.ktr.kz
Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще
QC Welding Inspector
Quality control; Welding Inspection; API 1104; ANSI/API5L; ISO 3183:2007; 309 ST RoK; Welding technology GTAW; SMAW; FCAW .
1)Monitoring, checking and making executive documentation for all welding works pipelines
according to specification.
2)Checking that correct WPS is in use
3)Checking of pipe bevels/ joint fit up, checking welding parameters, checking of assembly
and erection of pipe
4)NDE (VT, RT, UT, PT and MT inspection of completed welds)
5)Electrode control- particular attention paid to the control and storage of low- hydrogen electrodes.
6)Monitoring welding activities
7)Monitoring post weld heat treatment activities (PWHT)
8)Worked with materials: CS.
Июль 2016 — Март 2018
1 год 9 месяцев
MSOE «Abay multidisciplinary college »
Teacher and Master of industrial training in welding
Educating of students and their preparation to handingover of examinations
Сентябрь 2015 — Декабрь 2015
4 месяца
Joint-Stock Company - Akmola Carriage Repair Plant:
Welder 3th grade
Welding work
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Права категории B
Обо мне
Решительность, ответственность, целеустремленность,компетентный,способный к самостоятельному принятию решений, стремление к личностному росту и развитию.
Хобби: плавания, теннис.
Высшее образование (Магистр)
Karaganda State Technical University
Mechanical (Welding) Engineering Master, Equipment and technology of welding production
Karagandy State Technical University
Mechanical (Welding) Engineering Bachelor, Equipment and technology of welding production
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Specialist In Welding Production Certificate level IV
ТОО «Кран Сервис ЛТД", Руководству и техническому контролю при проведении сварочных работ на всех промышленных объектах
NDT specialist: VT; RT;PT;MT;UT (2nd level ST RK ISO 9712-2014
ЧУ «Аттестационный центр по неразрушающему контролю"
Лазерный центровки валов Fixturlaser и основам центровки промышленного оборудования.
ТОО « Балтех-Казахстан»
“Institution of Occupational Safety and Health” IOSH Sert. NO:6199
Abiroy Centre LLP. 18 May Temirtau
ЧУ “Аттестационный центр по неразрушающему контролю” , International Welding Inspector Standard Level Diploma KZ/IWI-S/000507
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения